China has warned America about Taiwan, said - change yourself, otherwise be ready for war

Once again, China has warned America about Taiwan. The Chinese Foreign Ministry warned the US on Monday that the US should stop interfering in Taiwan. China's statement came to light on Monday after US President Donald Trump signed the Taiwan Law 2020. Once again China and America have come face to face with Taiwan. After all, what is the attitude of America and China regarding Taiwan. What will be America's stand in the event of war against Taiwan. What is China's big stand against America.

 China warns America about Taiwan

  Recently, Hu Shijin, editor of the Global Times, the mouthpiece of the Chinese government, wrote in an article that China should be fully prepared for war if Taiwan maintains diplomatic relations with the US. China has been strongly objecting to any country establishing independent relations with Taiwan.

 China has said that if the US goes ahead with the plan to sell arms to Taiwan, it will respond appropriately and urgently. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said the sale of $ 600 million worth of military drones to Taiwan is a gross interference in China's internal affairs and a serious neglect of China's sovereignty and security interests.

 What will be the American strategy after the attack on Taiwan

Recently, US National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien warned China not to make any attempt to forcefully merge Taiwan. The US official said that attacking Taiwan would prove extremely difficult. Bryan said that at the time of any possible attack on Taiwan, China would face stiff resistance from the US.

 The American official was asked what would the US do if China decides to militarily join Taiwan. The American official said that nothing can be said clearly about this yet. The US has been providing arms to Taiwan to protect itself. However, he has never made it clear whether he would interfere militarily in the event of a Chinese attack.

  Bryan demanded from Taiwan to increase its defense budget. He said that Taiwan should try to bring its military reforms so that any attack from China can be stopped. Taiwan spends only 1.2 percent of its GDP on its defense spending. Brian said that you cannot expect to compete with China, which is expanding its military capability for the last 70 years.