Biden seeks to reverse victory, declaring Vice-President's role in counting votes unconstitutional

Several people associated with the Republican Party have filed a lawsuit against Vice President Mike Pence in the wake of trying to reverse the victory of newly elected President Joe Biden. In order to finalize Biden's victory, a petition has been filed regarding the role of the Vice-President in the proposed joint sitting of Parliament on 6 January. The lawsuit has been filed by eight-time lawmaker Louis Gohart from Texas and 11 people from Arizona. These 11 people have been named electoral by the Provincial Republican Party.

 The petition challenged the '1887 Electoral Count Act'

  According to The Dallas Morning News, the petition challenged the '1887 Electoral Count Act'. This law determines the role of the Vice President in making the formal announcement of the results. The suit, filed against Pence as Vice President, appealed to a Texas federal judge to declare the law unconstitutional.

The issues raised in the petition have no merit: Election experts

 The petition also calls for giving Pence the right to reverse the defeat of Trump in the provinces that face the thorns. According to election experts, there is no merit in the issues raised in the petition and it will not remain in court at all during the hearing.

 The Vice-President does not have the authority to count the votes of the provinces or not.

Ohio State University law professor Edward Foley said that people are not aware of the constitution if they think that the vice president has the sole authority to decide which votes of the provinces he counts or not.

 Biden and Trump's votes in the joint session of parliament will be final counted.

 Let us know that on January 6, Pence will preside over the joint session of Parliament where the votes of Biden and Trump will be finalized. Electoral colleges of all provinces cast their votes two weeks ago. At that time Biden received 306 votes and while Trump's account received 232 votes.